• Pricing

    Ready - Set - Brand


My aim as a contract graphic designer is to provide my clients a fair and affordable price for work completed. The fee structure is an estimate on the time involved to create a logo and brand that will accurately represent your organization. Where you would allow an increase in cost generally lies within the intricacy of a design.

During our initial consultation we will go over a creative brief which will allow me insight and a general understanding about your business, your target audience and any key message that needs to be communicated to your target audience. This information will assist in my creative process and enable me to prepare concepts for your new branding.

What I can offer you, as a designer is the confidence that we will be able to find the right brand and marketing solution and that I intend to be a champion for your business. Below is a comment from my client Lindsay Browning that encompasses how I prefer to operate as a designer.

"Not only am I impressed by Kelly's fresh creativity and consistent ability to turn business objectives into thoughtful design and branding, but she is also one of the fastest and most efficient designers I've worked with in over 15 years in the marketing profession. In an industry where many design professionals tend to weigh a project down with hours of excessive "creative process", Kelly cuts to the chase and delivers great ideas on point every time. She takes in feedback quickly and completely and focuses on the client's objectives while still infusing her keen eye and offering wisdom from her years of experience."


Redefine your image!



  •  1 Hour Consult to discuss Creative Brief
  •  3 Design Concepts to choose 1 for Development
  •  1 Design Concept Full Development
  •  3 Color Scheme Concepts
  •  2 Major & 3 Minor Revisions
  •  Brand Identity Guideline (PDF)
  •  Formats for delivery per your request.




  •  Consult – to discuss Creative Brief
  •  2 Sided Design
  •  Coordinated Color Scheme & Fonts to match your new business card & brand
  •  2 Major & 2 Minor Revisions
  •  Formats for delivery per your request

AVERAGE PRICE $250 - $500



  •  Consult – to discuss Creative Brief
  •  1 Front & Back Business Card Design
  •  1 Sided Letterhead
  •  3 Design Concepts to choose 1 for Development
  •  1 Design Concept Full Development
  •  3 Color Scheme Concepts
  •  3 Major & 2 Minor Revisions
  •  Formats for delivery per your request

AVERAGE PRICE $295 - $500



  •  Consult – to discuss Creative Brief
  •  Facebook Profile Image
  •  Facebook Timeline Cover
  •  Twitter Profile Image
  •  Twitter Header & Background
  •  Instagram
  •  Formats for delivery per your request

PRICE $195

Custom Font allowance add $150 + depending on font cost.

After our first consultation I will be able to determine if your design will incur costs should it be more intricate.

Printing not included – I will be able to supply you a price as requested or appropriate file will be delivered to you or your personal printer.

Keep in mind pricing can vary dependent upon how complex or involved. Please refer to my Service Terms and Conditions for further information.